"Mr. Pussy" Part II
Interviewer: Samia B.
Interviewee: “Mr. Pussy”
Age: 45+
Why did we interview him: He has a different view on sex, specifically oral sex that you probably haven’t heard before.
SE: What is your fetish?

Mr. P: I agree with the eastern Tantric philosophy that there's something sacred about a woman's pleasure; that to help her reach the greatest heights of pleasure and to share that pleasure with her is to bond with her at a spiritual level, if only for that moment. The belief is that this can be achieved thru focused oral pleasure, in my case, for hours! Until her pleasure takes her to a higher plane. It's an amazing experience if you have an experienced guy who knows how to use his tongue with care, attention and sensitivity to your breathing, your moans, your sighs, who is responsive to all the signals of your pleasure.
To the extent my lips and tongue can take your pussy to that higher plane of pleasure where we actually make a deeper connection in a primal place where words don't work anymore, THAT makes eating your pussy my fetish. And because your pussy is the vehicle that can take us there, I worship it!
Some people come into this thinking -- "Oh great. He's offering head! I could go for that!" Without realizing how completely transformative the experience can be. Because there is not only the physical, emotional explosion and release, there is that moment when we are one. Fleeting though it is, it's GOLD!
I've had women tell me it changed how they think about sex and the pleasure they feel they are entitled to. They demand MORE of their partners and stop settling for less than great! It's liberating.
SE: Would you please explain how you got into this fetish?
Mr. P: I've always loved it. One lazy Sunday afternoon when I was in college, I ate my girlfriend for at least 3 hours. She kept track of how many times she came? 31 times! Every time she came, I grew more excited! I loved the reaction. I loved seeing her lose control. I was hooked. And every girlfriend I had after her was crazy about my head game.
But it was only after my divorce a few years ago that I discovered the true joy of giving head and how profoundly wonderful it can be! One October morning, I went on Craigslist. I was looking for a garden tool, of all things? That's when I saw the Casual Encounters category. I had never looked through those ads before and I was curious. When I went to the w4m ads, I saw an ad from a 20-year-old FAMU student advertising that she wanted someone to eat her. My first response was, "oh hell. I love this. But she would never respond to me. I'm too old. And I'm white???" But I said what the hell. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. So I replied. By that afternoon, my face was buried between her thighs!?!? She had chosen me out of 100 plus replies. All she wanted was some NSA stress relief and good head from a guy who was courteous sane and clean and this was her way of getting it without all the trouble of dating, courting and bullsh*t, I gave her what she wanted. I ate her for about 45 minutes until she had to go to class. She came three times and I was totally hooked! And so was she! Here was amazing, on-demand head. Anytime she wanted it. Only a text or phone call away!!! We met regularly for the next two years until she graduated and left Tallahassee.
I continued to reply to Craigslist ads and had some success in meeting up with some really amazing women. All of them were African American. Black Women use Craigslist more than white women do for whatever reason.
Anyway, I started posting ads of my own and women responded. It has been an amazing ride. Almost every time I've met with someone, it has turned into a regular, on-going thing. And then they leave town. ☹. But even then, we have kept in touch. I've developed some really cool friendships from this. I have followed women on to new careers, relationships, graduate school, etc. and I've gotten to share more than my tongue.
I wouldn't change a thing....