"Mr. Pussy" Part I
Interviewer: Samia Burton
Interviewee: “Mr. Pussy”
Age: 45+
Why did we interview him: He has a different view on sex, specifically oral sex that you probably haven’t heard before.
SE: What type of women are you attracted to? (Please explain for our readers)
MR.P: These days, I am attracted exclusively to African American women. I don't have a particular physical type. I am partial to women who have a pretty face, regardless of body type. I enjoy a range, curvy women with some physical substance. I enjoy women who are physically strong. And have muscles. I'm fine with so-called BBWs LOL.
If type extends to personality, a great attitude about being eaten is essential! I prefer meeting with women who are experienced as pillow princesses. It's always fun to be in the presence of a sexually selfish woman who knows exactly what she wants and takes it without feeling any guilt or obligation! Someone who has stamina and is able to cum multiple times without tapping out.

Equally fun is eating someone who has a difficult time coming to orgasm, and takes a long time getting there. I love the challenge. I love having to "work" to coax that orgasm from them. Many women have no idea how to be sexually selfish. Most have told me when they are receiving oral pleasure from a man it is usually because he has the expectation that they're going to pleasure him eventually too. So they are thinking ahead to what they are going to have to do for him next and distracted from the pleasure that they are receiving in that moment. I take that completely off the table. I ask them to focus on only their pleasure, with no expectation that they will have to do anything for me. Only a small percentage of women have been able to do that. And it usually takes several meetings and sessions for them to get to that point. But here's the punch line for me; when a woman is able to achieve true sexual selfishness, she is liberated to explore the boundaries of her sexuality. For me, this kind of woman is a powerful aphrodisiac. Her desire becomes more intense and sometimes even primal. This attitude trumps physical beauty. There is nothing like sharing an earth-shattering sexually transformative orgasm with this woman.
Finally, I need to add that my sample for all of this is women I have met on Craigslist in the casual encounters section. Usually women who have responded to my ads, but also when responding to their ads too. That's the funny thing; a guy who posts on Craigslist is lucky to receive even one legitimate reply. That is, a reply from someone who is not P2P or spam. On the other hand, I've talked to women who have posted and they get a minimum of a hundred replies from guys?! That's power.
But I have met some really amazing women through Craigslist. Not just sexually amazing. Almost all have been very nice people. They're out there because they are fun loving and experimental. But in their personal lives they are also extremely hard working, often employed full-time and going to school full-time. Or single moms working full-time and taking care of children. They have been intelligent and playful. And many have become friends I've kept in touch with over time.
SE: Why are you only attracted to Black women?
MR. P: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross said, "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."
That sentiment is what draws me so deeply to AA women. Not that all have experienced struggle by any means. I'm not pushing that white people crap that all Black people come from "the ghetto" nonsense. But there's something profound etched into a Black woman's soul that she may or may not ever tap into or ever unearth. Many do, I believe. But it's something other women can't lay claim to. And it’s powerful & beautiful in a Black woman who has found it.
Now, this could all be illusion. BS. Not to me! When I am eating a Black woman and we are into the SECOND hour of straight licking and she has cum 10 times already and she goes totally silent for 10 minutes as I keep working it and suddenly, completely out of the blue-- EXPLODES into a screaming, earth-shattering, once-in-a-lifetime, five minute orgasm!?!?!? I can't find that in other women!!! It's so powerful it's almost spiritual! It has to come from a place as described above!