- Feb 24, 2018
She Interviewed Me!
A few years back, I remember the initial hype of #WCW posts. If you've been living under a rock or are a total geek, you probably already...
- Feb 23, 2018
"Mr. Pussy" Part III (feat. Tips on how to become a Mr. Pussy)
Interviewer: Samia B. Interviewee: “Mr. Pussy” Age: 45+ Why did we interview him: He has a different view on sex, specifically oral sex...
- Feb 22, 2018
Dominatrix & Me.
Interviewer: Samia Burton Interviewee: Atlantis* Age: 36 Why did we interview her? She’s into dominatrix. SE: What got you into...
- Feb 20, 2018
Yoni Oil by the Manufacturer
To many, yoni is a new word. It is a term used to describe a divine passage, womb or sacred temple. These descriptions all sound like the...
- Feb 15, 2018
I'm Completely Satisfied
Interviewer: Samia Burton Interviewee: Asha Age: 33 Why did we interview her? She’s a Lesbian with tips that hetero couples can...
- Feb 11, 2018
Masturbation & Orgasms Pt. I
Masturbation is one of those things that’s kind of like sex in the sense that everyone does it but no one wants to talk about it....
- Feb 11, 2018
Sex as a Grown Woman
Interviewer: Samia Burton Interviewee: Kelly Age: 45+ Why did we interview her? She’s past her 30’s and we wanted to know what a GROWN...
- Feb 8, 2018
Fixing Wack Sex in 3..2..1 (For both men & women)
So you’ve read why your sex is wack but most likely you probably didn’t even know! Sex has become this action that people do just to feel...
- Feb 6, 2018
"Mr. Pussy" Part II
Interviewer: Samia B. Interviewee: “Mr. Pussy” Age: 45+ Why did we interview him: He has a different view on sex, specifically oral sex...
- Feb 6, 2018
Jason & Aerie (Full Story)
See Jason and Aerie had been married for 2 years, had been college sweet hearts and he had proposed on her graduation day. Both landed...